
Showing posts from February, 2019

Integrating AdMob into an Android Processing App

Integrating AdMob into an Android Processing App is surprisingly easy, once you know how. Here we show you the steps so you can display ads and monetise your app The processing forum has some great advice on doing this, but having tried it, we've adapted and improved this a little and listed the steps here The following steps assumes you already have a Processing sketch working in an Android app created in an IDE like Android Studio or Eclipse, as you will be dealing with non-Processing libraries. If not, you will need to port your sketch over as shown in the really useful tutorial over on We also assume you have signed up to AdMob and have an app key for your app. If not, you'll need to have over to AdMob and do so. We recommend using a Smart Banner as this easily adapts to screen size and resolution Step 1 - Import the AdMob library If you're using Android Studio or a dependency management build tool such as Gradle this is as simple as adding the ...

Android Live Wallpaper using Processing in Android Studio

We've recently wanted to create an Android Live Wallpaper using Processing, which is an ideal language for writing these as it makes it easy to create exciting animations using a Java-like language As it turns out, creating a live wallpaper from some existing Processing code is surprisingly simple You can, of course, do this using the Processing environment as shown in the tutorial over on . This covers the basics but we wanted to incorporate this into our Android Studio app which took a few extra steps Step 1 - Create a Processing sketch in your Android app If you don't already have a Processing sketch, now's the time to write one! If you've written this using the Processing environment, you'll need to create a new class that extends processing.core.PApplet and import the processing-android library, similarly to the tutorial on creating a processing app in Android Studio import processing.core.PApplet; public class YourSke...